Club By-Laws
The Outlaw Cruisers Car Club
Name and Purpose:
The name of the club shall be The Outlaw Cruisers Car Club, Locust Grove, Oklahoma.
The purpose of this club is to provide an opportunity for Automobile owners and enthusiasts to gather and promote their interest in the Automobiles as a respectable hobby. This club will promote activities and events, which give the opportunity to promote public awareness, stimulate pride in ownership, and encourage the communication, education, and camaraderie between fellow enthusiasts.
The club shall be ‘NOT FOR PROFIT' and shall be allowed a reasonable amount in its treasury for operating expenses and other club activities. This club reserves the right to have and acquire sponsors for support of all its events and activities.
Committee and volunteer duties are on a VOLUNTARY basis and are not monetarily compensated for by the club.
The by-laws will be periodically reviewed and updated by club officers and will be available to the entire club membership at any time.
Membership dues are as follows: $20 New and $20 annual renewals. This covers the member and their immediate family living at the same address.
Any member whose dues are one month in arrears will be automatically suspended until dues are brought up to date. This suspension includes not receiving the monthly newsletter or any other club benefits.
The officers of the club will deal with any member whose behavior has become disruptive and membership may be terminated (see Article III - Club Rules).
Club Rules:
•1. Members will conduct themselves in a reasonable and orderly manner at any meeting, activity, or event representing the club or conducting club business.
•2. Members will comply with all Motor Vehicle laws and/or ordinances when participating in or attending any club activity, event, or gathering. In cases of private property where motor vehicle laws do not apply, members shall operate their vehicles in a controlled and acceptable manner as warranted by crowd and conditions or dictated by persons having responsibility for property.
•3. All monies received by the Club for Club Participation, etc. at any event shall be deposited in the Club Account. Exceptions may be made to donate said winnings to worthy causes at the event, providing a majority of members attending said event approve the donation.
•4. Members will respect and encourage other club members, their families, vehicles and all participants at club activities to include non-members.
Violation of the above rules may result in a verbal or written warning, or termination of membership. Once membership has been revoked, that person will not be eligible to ever rejoin the Outlaw Cruisers Car Club. The level of punishment is to be determined by the current club officers with consideration being given to severity of infraction and number of prior offenses. Punishment may be appealed in writing by member within ten (10) calendar days of notice of termination. Appeals will be reviewed and considered by all club officers. Decision of appeal, if exercised, is final.
Meetings shall be held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at a hosting facility that has been voted on by the club membership.
The club president or his/her designee shall preside over all club meetings. Club officers present at each meeting shall maintain order at the meetings.
Power Vested in the Club:
The control of the club shall be vested in its members.
Making a Motion:
Any eligible member may make a motion, and then must be seconded by another member before it can be presented for a vote. A majority vote of eligible members attending the meeting will be necessary for a motion to pass.
Club Officers:
The officers of the club and their duties are described in Article VII - Duties.
Elections will be held annually at the Club's September meeting. The new officers will assume their positions immediately. The out-going officers will turn over all club materials to the respective new officer.
Eligibility will be limited to members whose dues are current prior to elections.
Officers my hold the same office with no term limits.
In the event of the loss of an officer who cannot fulfill an entire term, officers will nominate from the existing membership to fill that position until the next election term and will bring that nomination before the club membership.
Officers will meet throughout the year as needed to discuss club business, events, etc. For any officer decision, including but not limited to, event scheduling, disputes, etc., the majority vote of the officers will stand as the final decision.
Committees will be formed throughout the year to run various club activities. These committees usually include, but are not limited to volunteer club members who have an interest in or knowledge of the activity for which that committee formed.
Committee members will meet as needed to discuss activity or event issues. As with the officers, a majority vote of the committed shall stand in settling disputes, rescheduling of events, activities during the events, and rules for the events that do not override the Club Membership Rules stated herein. That final decision shall then be presented to the club officers for authorization.
Financial decisions shall not be enacted until voted upon and passed by club officers.
In the event of the loss of a committee member who cannot fulfill their duties, committee members will ask for a volunteer to fill that position.
The duties of the President shall be to:
•1. Oversee and administrate the activities of the club.
•2. Oversee the duties of the other officers.
•3. Be responsible for all awards, trophies, and presentations as voted on by all club officers.
•4. Preside over all club functions and maintain order.
The duties of the Vice-President shall be to:
•1. Assist the President as needed.
•2. Preside over meetings and other events should the President by unavailable.
•3. Help maintain order at all club functions.
The duties of the Secretary shall be to:
•1. Help maintain order at all club functions.
•2. Take care of club correspondence.
•3. Help schedule club events.
•4. Maintain the club by-laws.
•5. Take notes at the monthly meeting for assistance in generating the monthly newsletter.
The duties of the Treasurer shall be to:
•1. Maintain club financial records.
•2. Help maintain order at club functions.
•3. Tally all monies collected at meetings, shows, raffles, such as dues, entry fees, etc. and make bank deposits as necessary.
•4. Provide a financial statement to the club membership as requested and notify other officers of any trends that may be cause for concern to the club.
The duties of the Newsletter Editor shall be to:
•1. Generate the monthly newsletter with assistance from club officers, and distribute to members on a timely basis.
•2. Help maintain order at all club functions.
•3. Assist the Secretary with club correspondence or other duties if needed.
•4. Keep membership records up to date and provide them to other officers upon request.
The duties of the Cruise Director shall be to:
•1. Schedule periodic club events (parades, cars show, cruises, etc.) and provide information to the Newsletter Editor in a timely manner for inclusion in the newsletter.
•2. Assist the President or other club officers as needed.
•3. Help maintain order at all club functions.
Club Property:
All club equipment, papers, pictures, records, etc. shall remain the property of The Outlaw Cruisers Car Club, Locust Grove, Oklahoma, and be inventoried annually. Current inventory (January, 2011) includes four (4) canopies.
All club membership records shall be held confidential and accessible only to the club officers. Requests for said information must be made directly to a club officer and will not be released without approval of the members involved.
Personal Liability:
All persons or corporations extending credit to, contracting with, or having any claim against the club or officers shall look only to the funds and property of the club for payment, for any such contract or claim for payment of any debt, damage, judgment or any other money that otherwise becomes due or payable to them from the club, so that neither the members of the club, nor its officers (past, present or future) shall be liable personally thereof.
The club shall not be held liable for any loss or damage due to fire, theft, weather, vandalism, or accidents at any function that the club attends or hosts.
These by-laws have been adopted by the appointed officers and voted on by the membership of the Outlaw Cruisers Car Club, P O Box 1673, Locust Grove, OK 74352, on June 18, 2004.
Revised January 9, 2011.